Evox Fitness Concept


Our body needs restful sleep as much as it needs the air we breathe. Adequate sleep is a fundamental part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind, and more.

Lack of sleep is dangerous for physical and mental health and can drastically reduce your quality of life. If the quality of sleep deprivation is constant it can have an impact on the proper functioning of the central nervous, autoimmune, respiratory, digestive, immune and cardiovascular systems. This can put your body at risk of developing chronic diseases.

In addition to these problems, not having quality sleep results in greater difficulty in gaining muscle mass, burning fat mass, lack of memory, reducing the quality of the immune system and increasing cortisol.


Sleeping between 7 and 9 am is ideal to have the following benefits:

- Better mood;

- Reduction of anxiety;

- Decreased stress;

- Control of appetite;

- Better physical performance;

- Strengthening memory.


Sleep, therefore, is essential for the balance of all physiological and psychological functions of the body. Eliminating this rest from our routine compromises the entire balance of the body.