Evox Fitness Concept

Exercise in pregnancy, yes or no?

Initially when the woman discovers that she is pregnant she looks for a doctor and begins the adventure of the pregnancy.

At this point the question arises whether or not to exercise in pregnancy.

In most cases your doctor will say to do very light activity, from hiking, pillars or yoga, no weights. Is it a myth? Yeah, but there's an explanation.

The doctor in advising these activities is to prevent something bad that may result from exercise, because the doctor does not know if he trained before, how intense his training, what types of exercises, whether it was with loads or only with the weight of the body and all its sporting history.

It is at this point that the Personal Trainer is very important to evaluate your entire sporting route, however small.

And by being in tune with the doctor it is possible to do an essential work for your well being during pregnancy and for preparation for childbirth. Your en, according to your physical condition will prescribe appropriate exercise for the pregnancy, without endangering your baby and your health.

In short, can you exercise with body weight and with load? Yes and no, everything has to do with the diagnosis of your pregnancy and your sporting history, such as if there is a placental abruption, if you have contracted gestational diabetes, if you have hypertension or if your pregnancy is at risk.

If you have never exercised, it is not during pregnancy that you are going to do strenuous exercise or increase your heart rate too much, opt for walking, yoga and Pilates.

If you have been training regularly or at least once a week and are accustomed to using loads adjusted to you, yes you can perform exercises with load, but always lower than usual, it is always exercises without impact.

Ana Rita Abreu text

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