Evox Fitness Concept

Truths and Myths about Exercise 

There are several myths that, according to the definition of myth itself, are so repeated that appear to be true. And in relation to physical exercise there are some well known:

Myth 1: Running is bad for your knees? No, running does no hurt to your knees:
- During the race the knees suffer a load 5x the body mass of the individual which promotes a greater fluid to the joint, protecting it;
- The knees of runners are healthier than those of non-runners;
- The racing improves joint health by promoting cartilage nutrition and associated weight loss, reducing the risk of knee osteoarthritis;
- Increases muscle mass that protects joint and functionality.

Myth 2: Swimming is the best for your back, bones and weight loss? No, swimming isn't the best sport:
- If we do not have an excellent technique it causes a lot of lumbar and dorsal stress.
- Because in the aquatic environment the load is lower which makes bone mineralization difficult.
- Lack of load also reduces energy expenditure.

Myth 3: If I didn't do any exercise when I was young, isn't it dangerous to start now? No, if you have the best advises:
- The exercise must be progressive with regard to the load and intensity;
- Studies show progress and maintenance of longer functioning in the elderly who started a program of physical activity after 65 than in the sedentary;
- Prevents the appearance of age-related diseases such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis;
- The ideal is to start slowly and increase the dose gradually.

As well-being professionals, we have the right to demystify certain myths about physical exercise. If you still have doubts about the best exercise for you, contact us!

Ricardo Amorim text