Evox Fitness Concept

Top 10 mistakes during physical exercise

Mistakes made while exercising can lead to anything from minor scratches to serious injuries in the long run. Here are the top 10 mistakes we most often witness during training sessions and how to avoid them.

1. Forget heating: A good warm-up of 5 to 10 minutes will effectively help increase blood circulation, warm up muscles, raise heart rate and raise core body temperature. All are key prevention factors for injuries that commonly occur when you practice intense exercise while it is cold and unprepared.

2. Incorrect posture: Lifting weights or training in the wrong way is a very easy way to hurt a muscle and leave it incapacitated for some time. Learn proper techniques and forms with a certified personal trainer before practicing any kind of resistance exercises.

3. Do not Stretch: Active (moving) stretches that are similar in movement to subsequent exercise or sports movements are important to warm the muscles and lubricate the joints. Equally important are passive (holding) stretches to be performed after a workout or during the "cool down" period to relieve tension in the muscles.

4. Wrong Weight: Lifting too little will quickly lead to stagnation in your physical conditioning. Lifting too much weight can lead to bad shape, muscle imbalances and many potential internal and external injuries. Raise the right amount of weight so that you can progress slowly and wisely.

5. Properly nourished and hydrated: Consuming an adequate amount of carbohydrate a few hours before intense exercise is important so you have energy for your workout. Equally important is to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated during training. Consume protein and carbohydrates 30 minutes after training to replenish your body and help repair muscle tissue.

6. Neglecting the "Cool-Down" period: This is the perfect opportunity to stretch tense muscles, lower heart rate and cool body temperature. Passive stretching, such as light cardio and low intensity yoga are great relaxation options.

7. Not having enough rest: Physical changes occur in the body during rest, not while exercising. Rest between workouts so your body will recover and come back stronger than it was in the previous workout.

8. Over-training: Make sure your program includes variety between exercises, balance between muscle groups and sufficient rest periods between each series and workouts.

9. Be aware of your surroundings: It is important to know what exercise equipment is around you, how it works, and the potential risks that accompany it.

10. Incorrect footwear: Running with worn, worn or inappropriate footwear can result in shin splints, back pain and knees. Do not be afraid to spend a little more on a good pair of shoes suited to exercise and replace them at least once every 6 months.

Whether it's training at home, on the street, or in the gym, always be aware of possible exercise-related injuries and use the tips above to help prevent them and avoid any bodily harm. Contact us!

Texto by Personal Trainers