Evox Fitness Concept

Dangers of sitting for a long time

Nowadays, the time that human being remain in a sitting position seems to have increased, both in performing professional tasks and in leisure activities.

Sitting for several periods throughout the day implies low energy expenditure due to little body movement.Longer sitting time may be related to higher risks of cardiovascular disease, metabolic diseases and musculoskeletal problems. Professionals believe that a sedentary lifestyle may worsen some of the following conditions:

-Low Level of Physical Fitness

-Deficient Lung Function

-Poor Circulation and Vascular Health

-Muscular and Joint Stiffness

-Higher risk of osteoporosis

-Increased Insulin Resistance

-Weight gain

-Decreased Sleep QualityTherefore, it is important that the time to remain in a sitting position is nottoo long and that there are frequent interruptions to move and activate the body. In addition to the physical exercise that must be done, it is also important that you keep your body active for the rest of the day.

Keep fighting for your health and good training!

Cristiana Rosa