Evox Fitness Concept


When we talk about Calisthenics, most of the time, what comes to our mind are videos of greatathletes that we see on the internet. Usually, these athletes have had several years of practiceand with the help of a good image editor their skills and performances seem superhuman. Thebig problem arises when we start this practice because we face difficulties that cause us to giveup before we even start.
Thus, in order to be able to evolve in this modality it is important to follow some rules:

We all started differently, training history, age, genetics, previous injuries, among others. All ofthis will determine our starting point. We shouldn't want to be like others, but get inspired to beour best version ever.

When we start something new we don't always do it in the best way, ending up adopting analtered pattern of movement. Who has not heard of the famous kipping pull ups, often used incrossfit, unfortunately these impulses will not help us gain the strength to evolve in calisthenics.Yes, it will be more difficult, we will have to let go of our ego, settle for fewer repetitions but morequality, only then will we become stronger.

How many times have we seen someone doing exercises in a shortened way, without the totalflexion and extension of the joints involved, as for example in push-ups and elevations or evensquats. It is important to work at full range of motion for the muscles involved to have maximumcontraction and more fibers recruited allowing for better results.

If we try to gain muscle mass only with body weight then it is necessary to understand howmany sets we should apply to our training. Studies show that choosing 4 to 5 sets per musclegroup twice a week is a good option.

In the past it was believed that the more load the better to gain muscle mass, but nowadayscalisthenics has been proving that this is not the case and that it is also possible to hypertrophyonly with the weight of the body.Depending on the level of each person, the number of repetitions can be between 3 to 6 forbeginners or between 8 to 16 repetitions for advanced, depending also on the exercise. Thesecret is getting close to muscle failure.

An excellent way to develop and strengthen the muscles without a doubt but some care isneeded because in this type of exercises we must not go to the fault in order to protect ourtendons from injuries. Elastic bands are excellent options when performing isometric or staticexercises as you want to call them.

Consistency is without a doubt one of the most important aspects if we are to achieve anyresults. About 90% of people do not achieve results not because they train poorly but becausethey are not consistent, they do not have an adequate training routine.A specific stimulus is needed for changes to occur, repeatedly frequently and with organizedplanning.

Sometimes we think that more is better but this is wrong, it is necessary to know how to listen toour body and rest when necessary. For compound exercises, rest between 3 to 5 minutes issufficient between sets, for isolated exercises, 1 to 3 minutes is enough. The important thing isto get enough rest so as not to compromise the next set and correct form in the exercises.

If we want to evolve safely in calisthenics it is important to take care of our joints, tendons andligaments so that they are strong and healthy. Mainly the shoulders, elbows and wrists.

We all want to evolve quickly, move on to the next stage, get results faster, but everythingrequires your time, dedication and discipline and even more calisthenics. It is essential to build agood base in the basic exercises so that you can move on to more advanced exercises, alwaysrespecting the appropriate progressions.

These are some important rules to bear in mind when we want to practice calisthenics safelyand effectively.For a greater optimization of safety results, a professional specialized in the area is advised.

Artigo realizado por: Viviano Rocha