Evox Fitness Concept


For many people Pull Ups are a huge challenge in the fitness world, but in return the benefits of this exercise outweigh the effort.
Pull Ups are part of calisthenic exercises (bodyweight) and are undoubtedly the best that can be performed with regard to the development of strength and aesthetics of the upper body. Being a compound exercise, it recruits several muscle groups simultaneously, including lats, rhomboids, arms, forearms and others.
Starting from the suspended position on a bar, with a slight flexion of the elbows, we pull towards the bar so that it comes close to the chin or chest for more advanced people, then we must control the descent of the body until we return to the starting position. So it seems easy, right ...

It is recommended for all age groups, except for specific pathological exceptions. Unfortunately due to its degree of demand, most of the time it ends up being forgoten. The solution is to develop a correct execution technique, with the necessary progressions until developing an adequate force base to elevate the body itself.
Some progressions include performing the movement on a bar closer to the floor, working in the eccentric phase, working in the isometric phase, working in the TRX, or even performing the movement with the help of elastic bands.
Including this exercise in your training plan should be mandatory, not only for aesthetic reasons but also because it brings several benefits such as gains in muscle mass, muscle strength and endurance, improves spine posture, greater core stabilization, greater capacity to control your own body, transferring functional strength to the daily tasks and activities.

Pull Ups are one of the most effective upper body exercises that we can add to our training, helping to increase strength, improve posture, end back pain and even improve physical appearance.
This challenging bodyweight exercise strengthens several muscle groups and can be simplified or hindered, depending on the needs of each one.
So whether you are a beginner or a professional, be sure to add this exercise to your training plan.
To better obtain the results safely, seek the guidance of a professional in physical exercise, as this will respect the needs and individualities of each person.


Viviano Rocha