Evox Fitness Concept


The construction of aesthetics and a more athletic body is one of the most pertinent goals of individuals who practice bodybuilding.

However, can all these individuals achieve the intended goal? After 2,3,4 months of attending the gym can you really get results? The answer is no! Or because it "bothers to leave the house",  "because  I am tired", "only these exercises come to me".

The truth is that the first step costs, doi, "aborrece", change is always a new challenge, which  implies  some barriers, but it is possible! Remember, "persistence is the path of success" (Charles Chaplin)

According to Badillo and Ayestarán (2001), the increase inúthe same century canhappen as a result ofdifferent factors,such as an increase in the number and size of myofibrillums; enlargement of connective tissue and other non-contractile muscle tissues; increase in size and possibly the number of muscle fibers.

The process of gaining muscle mass is something complex and has to meet many variables. Seek a specialized professional, so that your entire training process is oriented and planned in the most correct and individualized way against your goals and as physiological needs…

Carolina Coelho