Evox Fitness Concept

Fasting training

Fasting training has been a dynamic train used for many people, despite the controversy that it generates. There is agreement and desagreement but, in the end, all that matters is to know the advantages and the disadvantages of this type of training. 

Why fasting training?
Fasting training is related with the lost of body fat, since the glicogen reserves are low which will cause the organism to recruit the body fat to generativa energy. However, we know that fasting training also leads to the use of glycogen existing in the muscles, what couldn’t be good, once his using leads to muscular mass loss. When we talk about body fat loss, we have to know first, which type of training that a person do.

Physiologicaly talking...
The low level of blood glycose is one of the conditions for the production of growth hormone (GH) and, simultaneously, the aeróbica stimulates the production of this anabolic hormone.

At the same time, the GH possess an action of body fat degradation, being the responsable for the conversion of body fat in energy.

Talking about fasting training, it is considered a training of short/medium time and low intensity, to guarantee that the body fat stores are used. Higher intensities of training are to be avoided, as it will leads to the release of hepatic glycogen and cortisol, which will interfere with the release of GH. Fasting training may lead to a loss of body fat, but will it be the best way to do it?

Benefits of fasting training
● The pace of some people is conducive to sports practice in the morning;
● There is an acceleration of the body early, improves daily well-being;
● Body and mind are more relaxed.

Contraindications of fasting training
● Fasting exercise burns muscle mass. Use of glycogen to obtain glucose as a source of energy.
● The process is a risk, the metabolic processes and the amount of glucose in the blood are variable, can lead to hypoglycemia.
● The brain consumes and need sugar. In the absente of this sugar, it will produce cetonic corps, raising the blood acidity.
● The risk of fatigue and micro-muscular injuries is higher.

Cares before fasting train
When we perform fasting aerobic exercise, the duration of the training should not exceed 45 minutes, so as not to deplete reserves necessary for the proper functioning of the organism. So, the more trained you are, the less risk you run with this type of training, and you can achieve some fat loss with this workout.

However, if you are not a trained person, it is best to start with other types of training. Contact us.

Text by Carlos Pinto