Evox Fitness Concept

Truth or myth: Exercising with weight in women makes staying with very large muscles

Many women do not want to do weight training because they do not want to be "big." This is not true.

The woman does not have the amount of the hormone testosterone (responsible for the muscular increase) that the man has, so the man has bigger muscular dimensions.

A woman can and should perform exercises with weight as it increases all the functionality of your body, decrease fat mass, decrease disease risk, increase endurance, it will not increase the muscles until they are the same as the muscles of man.

The ideal is to counterbalance the workouts, ie, intercalate types of training, aerobic training, high intensity training, strength training, flexibility training. Everyone has benefits to the body and woman's health.

When you see a very muscular woman, it is because allied to the training and there is ingestion of supplements proper to increase muscle mass.

Text by Personal Trainers