Evox Fitness Concept

Static stretching 

Static stretching is great for increasing the range of motion and relieving muscle fiber tension, but other reactions occur when stretching. 

By maintaining a static stretch, for example, the biceps muscle, the muscles involved, and its main function is a reaction of the muscular contraction that happens when sending the neural signal through the afferent (sensorial) nerve to the brain in order to obtain the order of contraction through the efferent nerve (motor), on the other hand, as well as the spindles, we have another sensory receptor called Golgi tendon organ that reacts to static stretching, relaxing the connecting tissues to be more specific the part between the tendons and muscles.

The reason we maintain a static elongation for approximately 30 seconds is because it is the time required by the Golgi tendon organ to override the muscle spindle signal.

Is it better longer? In this case, in fact, performing a static elongation for more than 30 seconds showed no further improvement in flexibility.

In a randomized control trial with 35 subjects with decreased hamstring flexibility, completed static hamstring stretches with duration between 30 and 120 seconds, the 30 seconds holds were just as effective as the 120 seconds ones.

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