Evox Fitness Concept

Why should we continue training in the summer?

In the middle of summer, many people are going on vacation to enjoy the sun, the beach and dinners with friends.

Do you know that you can continue training in your vacations?

The social and activity rhythm increases  as well as the priorities change, and the training ends up being interrupted. The excesses are easier to do, boycotting the progress already achieved with the regularity of training as well as the potential for progression that would be reached from there, falls.

But how to balance the best of both worlds?

To answer the question, Personal Trainers will address 3 principles of strength training.

Principle of Progressive Overload

The processes of training adaptation occur when a training load is exerted continuously and progressively, increasing over time the stimulus in order to generate new adaptations and gains.

Let's look at the case of a beginner in the squat exercise. Initially body weight will be a sufficient stimulus to generate adaptations. However over time our body adapts and exercise will become very easy. In order to generate new adaptations it will be necessary to increase the stimulus in a progressive way. One option, for example, is to hold a Lightweight dumbbell in your hands.

Principle of Variability

- Usually related to Periodization through long-term planning. It is reflected by variations in intensity and volume depending on the purpose of the cycle or phase, generating adaptations throughout the process.

Principle of Reversibility

The positive effects of training are transient and reversible.

When we relate the principle of progressive overload to the principle of variability, the stimulus is changed according to the planning phase in which we find ourselves. For example if the objective in a certain phase is the increase of muscle mass we will do training where prevailing training with the characteristics necessary to reach that objective. However, during the course of the year, each phase or cycle, may have a different purpose and it will be necessary to adapt the stimulus to that objective. With this we have as result the long-awaited GAINS.

The principle of regression is all that we do not want to happen. This can be described in a practical way through the popular saying "use it or lose it". If a certain capacity is not stimulated and used, we end up regressing at the training level and thus losing the skills or results that have cost us so much.

In practice, those 5 pounds lost due to a lot of effort and sweat, including training and balanced nutrition, can be easily recovered on vacation.

I want to get in shape in the summer

How to reconcile?

Directly linked to the Principle of Variability is Periodization: a long-term planning where stimulus-level variations are defined with different time cycles, which make up a whole.

The Training Periodization can thus be the answer to the Summer / Training dilemma, because it allows vacation periods to be foreseen in our planning. A good strategy for training in the summer will be to periodize your training to introduce a phase where you will not stop training but there will be a decrease in the level of the stimulus, similar to a transition phase (much applied with athletes in recovery periods).

How does periodization work?

In a given time cycle, the training variables can be modified and the training frequency can be reduced, intensity and / or working with lower training volumes.

In practice, we can decrease the number of training sessions with a lighter intensity than usual and where we change the volume, for example making a number of sets and repetitions lower than usual.

This strategy makes it possible to reconcile almost unconcerned holidays, but lessening the effects they have on the process of progression.

That is why…ee do not have to stop training on vacation, we can adapt.

Failure to train may result in a loss of physical abilities and results, taking a step back on the path to achieving your goals.

It is possible to learn how to train on a periodic basis, with structured planning, progressive and adapted to your need.

Personal Trainers work based on the principles of active and healthy life, so we have the tools to learn how to train anywhere and at any time, even when going on vacation.

Do not step back, talk to us and we help you to get in good shape!

Francisco Barbosa text