Evox Fitness Concept

Exercises to reduce muscle strain

Some people seem to be always tense. Either working or doing other activities, it’s clear that they’re building up physical strain, specially on the neck and shoulders. When you’re tired, this body area is the most affected and it causes pain and discomfort.

There are other muscles in that area, such as the levator scapulae muscle. Some activities result on building up tension in that muscles areas, such as using the computer, holding the phone with the neck to keep your hands free, carrying lifts, and so on.

Stress and emocional tension can quickly become physical tension, affecting specially the neck and back.

Learning to relax these areas can be very useful to decrease physicial strain. Aerobic exercises, strength training and healthy habits help us avoid the problem. But there are some exercises you can do to really help reducing the tension. Bellow you can find some examples:

1 – Elevate your shoulders till they reach your ears and hold it for some seconds. Then relax your shoulders and let go. Repeat it a few times.

2- Slowly elevate your shoulders, relax, force them downwards aiming your hips and keep it that way for a few seconds. Then let go. Repeat it several times.1 – Elevate your shoulders till they reach your ears and hold it for some seconds. Then relax your shoulders and let go. Repeat it a few times.

3 – Rotate your shoulders a few times. Alternate the rythm and direction.

4 – Lean to one side. When doing that, throw your arm out. Now move yourself through your spine and lean yourself to the other side. Throw the other arm.

Rita Abreu text